Thursday, April 23, 2015

Review of Best Face Forward

Best Face Forward AKA my B.F.F.

I have extremely sensitive skin. I have to be very selective of what I put on my face otherwise I tend to either break out more or I get a chemical burn and my skin will fall off in chunks. I've had numerous very, very bad experiences from about 90% of the products I have tried (i.e. Proactive, Skin ID, etc.) For a while I was discouraged from skin care products and gave up (I would use just a bar of soap and if I broke out, I just accepted it.) 
I have a minor obsession with make up so you can almost always find me at ULTA or Sephora on my days off (typically on pay day.) I am very shopping savvy and never spend more than I have to for products that work equally as well.
I hadn't tried a face wash in quite some time so when I saw this sitting on the shelf at ULTA, I grabbed it and thought "Why not!" (I have to embarrassingly admit I was pulled in by the name. Plus, it was only $5.99!) Well ladies & gents, this is by far my favorite buy from ULTA. My skin is very easily dry and VERY easily greasy. B.F.F. cleans my face, leaves it smooth, moisturized and acne free. It's a light, clear liquid (that you only need a little bit of!) that you can use every day, twice a day! It works fast, over night on most break outs. My point? It's gentle, effective, and uses chamomile, passion fruit and green tea to rejuvenate your skin, and for $5.99, I think everyone should try it.

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