Thursday, February 18, 2016


"'I love you' is a sentence because love is a verb." 

Love is often said to be a word that is hard to define. 

The Dictionary says:
 an intense feeling of deep affection.

Urban Dictionary Says:
nature's way of tricking people into reproducing.

My Comp Teacher Says:
Love is a verb, love is doing.

   Out of these definitions, I'd say my professor is onto something. I don't feel loved when my Mom says "I love you", I feel loved when she sits down with me and teaches me how to do my taxes, for the second time, after she's had a really long day and would rather be drinking coffee. I don't feel loved when my Dad says "I love you," I feel loved when he rotates my tires and installs my new thermostat on his only day off and doesn't make me feel like a burden. I don't feel loved when Michael says "I love you," I feel loved when he sits in a doctor's waiting room with me for two hours when he's hangry and would rather be anywhere else, doing anything else. 
    If there's a cliche that will always scream truth, it's "Actions speak louder than words." People will say I love you and not mean it, people will say it and mean it by their own personal definition, people will say it and say it and say it, over and over people will tell you they love you. But when someone takes their time to do something where there's nothing beneficial waiting for them at the finish line, that's love. Because love is a verb and when someone loves you, they're doing it every single day. 

Don't wait to hear the words I love you, just watch. 

XO - D 

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