Sunday, February 7, 2016

This Could Go 3 Ways


          Valentine's Day is a day to celebrate the love you feel for someone important in your life. If you're anything like me, days like Valentine's Day are cherished. Simply because you can never tell someone too many times how important they are to you. But how could one express the amount of love you have for someone, you ask? Good question. As the day branded with chocolates, teddy bears and fancy dinners - you can get lost in it all and what the day is "supposed to be." Here are 3 different ways you can spend your Valentine's Day with all of the cliches AND romance.

  1. Reenact Your First Date
 Nothing says cheesy and warm feelings like going to the place you first went to as an item together. You can talk about how you two felt on the date and bring back all of the butterflies and sparks. Whether you went to dinner, a movie, a park or out to coffee, it's guaranteed to be romantic reminiscing on how it all started.

   2. Stay In

 What's more intimate than a night in for two? Grab some of your favorite cheesy movies, pick up dinner makings and dessert and you're good to go. Nothing beats cooking side by side as he flips the steaks and you dip the strawberries in melted chocolate. Mutually don't enjoy rom-coms? Watch some comedies you've both been dying to see. And for a little extra fun, buy some Valentine's Day themed pajamas! You'll have good food and the best company.

   3.  Go All Out
 If nothing screams romantic like getting decked out and going somewhere you would never go dressed in anything less than a cocktail dress and sky high heels then girl, go for it. There's no shame in enjoying the cliches and letting a huge bouquet of roses be how you feel loved. Happily eat that heart of chocolates and swipe on some red lipstick. Leave your mark on him and feel like the goddess you are in your nicest LBD.

Overall, enjoy your Valentine's Day and smooch who makes you happy. Whether it's your cat or your boyfriend, make the most of it and celebrate love. It does make the world go round. 

XO - D

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