Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Day 2...and Day 3....okay and maybe Day 4 too.

I don't really ever get too busy to post, but the past couple of days I have been. 
I also have been way too busy to go to the gym...which is actually pretty upsetting to me because I've felt super inspired to work my chubby butt off! But instead I've eaten not-so-well because of my busy schedule (If you live in Florida, you know there aren't a ton of healthy options for food around here.)

I have a specific way I want to feel. Yes, most people would think someone would work out for a certain look they want - which of course, is a benefit to a healthy lifestyle. For me, I love the healthy lifestyle for how I feel on a day to day basis. I have more energy, I'm happier and don't have troubles sleeping OR staying awake. I feel better and look better, so really it's a win win situation.

I'm excited to get the gym time back into my schedule and hopefully I can start on Saturday. 
xo - d

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