I'm not the typical twenty - something. The bar scene isn't my scene, I couldn't tell you some crazy Spring Break story, and I don't become best friends with my Uber driver every night.
When I was nineteen I saw these tacky Facebook posts that were made into weird meme's that stated when you were in your early twenties you were in a state of confusion, daily. From what you want to do with your life choice of career to whether or not you were going to have Taco Bell for the 5th time this week.
Nobody gave me the heads up that this confusion really did invade every aspect of your everyday life. Do I want to get gas today or tomorrow? Am I going to write this paper now or get some sleep so I can function ~without~ coffee tomorrow? Do I want to change my major to something safe or should I follow my dreams? Where am I going to live after I graduate? Where am I going to live three months from now?
Luckily, I've found out that I'm not alone in this and it's completely normal. But for an analytical, anxiety driven, control freak, I'm not thrilled with this process. You have to mentally prepare yourself to be unprepared. Which I don't know if you've ever done that before, but it might take you a hot second and a handful of failures.
I've decided (with my vast amount of life knowledge a twenty year old could possibly have) that our twenties are God's gift to us in regards to decision making. We get to screw up over and over just by trying to figure out what we want our next step to be. We may feel a bit overwhelmed and underprepared for what's being tossed in our laps but what's cool about that is the ball is in our court. What we choose to do is important. The beauty of it is, if we want to change the outcome because it wasn't what we expected, for the most part, we can. We can enjoy the mess ups and still have a large majority of our lives ahead of us.
So whether you're forming a caffeine addiction or an alcohol addiction, picking up another shift to afford your bills, or spending money you know you don't have on the extra large pizza you know you won't finish. Just know we're all making mistakes and we're all in this together. (I know that HSM reference was not shameful because you watched it last Friday, too.)
This is my open letter to all of us, so, as I raise my metaphorical glass as you raise your very real shot, here's to us for not knowing what the hell we're doing but trying to figure it out. I hope we all end up successful in the end.
XO - D
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