Saturday, April 9, 2016

Taking Care of You

I know it may sound dumb but when I was shaving my legs tonight I started to feel bad about myself. That may sound silly to some but I could not tell you the last time I shaved my legs before tonight. It's disgusting, trust me I know, but my who cares attitude and laziness has taken over. I feel like I don't care about myself enough, I don't take good care of myself. I should put Vitamin oils on my skin everyday. I should cover myself in lotion at LEAST twice a day. I should eat healthier and work out more. Not to lose weight or gain muscle but literally just to freaking be healthy and feel internally good. I should get monthly hair trims and spend the extra time to shave my legs simply because freshly shaved legs makes me feel GOOD. I should be stretching every morning like I used to. I should be drawing and painting and writing blog posts. I truly am really upset with myself because I just stopped caring about my well being, inside and out. I think I'd be happier and just a more pleasing person to be around. Since when is taking care of yourself mentally and physically something we don't have time for? The last time I checked, being happy is a pretty common want across the board. You don't have to like stretching and drawing but you could ask yourself when was the last time you read a good book, tried a new recipe, or laid on the beach alone? Honestly, ask yourself, when was the last time you made time for you? Taking care of yourself shouldn't be pushed aside, it should be encouraged. Give yourself time to enjoy your own company. Start making taking care of yourself one of your responsibilities, on your weekly to do list. You deserve it.

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