Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Oh Sociology

Today in my Sociology class (yes, I'm a college student) my Professor announced that we were wrong about everything we thought to be true. Curious, we sat in a blank, somewhat confused, stare. He told us that the table in front of us is smooth to the touch, we agreed. But if we cut off layers of our fingertips and continued to touch the table, it would be painful and unpleasant, and again, we agreed. Still not getting it, he explained again, if you closed your eyes and drank orange juice, it would be tangy and refreshing. But if you took that same glass of juice after you brushed your teeth, it would taste bitter and you probably wouldn't want to take another sip.

That's when I realized, this may be a lesson in Sociology on the study of conflicted perspectives, but it's a really good life lesson, too.

I love fashion and wearing lipstick all the time. I get weird looks occasionally because I tend to over dress for every (yes every) occasion. But I always feel good about myself, and to me, confidence is key.
But in someone else's life, they could give two shits what they look like and their talent or brain is where they get their confidence.

I love being in front of the camera, but others could love being behind it (and be really good at it, too).
I love working out and eating like crap whenever I want. Others, like working out and being a health nut.
I love writing, some like reading.

My point is, just because you're comfortable with something doesn't mean it's the right version or way. Just because you think being republican is wrong, doesn't mean it is. You do what's best for you and accept that it may not be right for anyone else.  If you pride yourself on individuality, let others do the same.

You're not ever going to be better than someone because you prefer heels over sandals.
The only factual difference is that you're a couple inches taller.
                    xo, d

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Who you surround yourself with always says a lot about you. What your tolerance level is, who you connect to, who you find worth your time. Within every pair of friends, there's gossip. Gossip is a word that is often used in a negative way. But gossip is simply chit chat about someone else's personal life, even though it is typically negative, there are moments that I find myself boasting about someone else's life as if it were my own. I could easily list five people right now that I'm constantly fan-girling over, in the most proud, girl crush kind of way. They're inspiring and motivating - that's my favorite type of gossip.

If you don't like how your friend is arrogant, why are you her friend? Don't justify peoples' negative vibe as a flaw. Being nice is a choice, being positive is a lifestyle, being humble is a mind set and they aren't hard things to do. So if you are close with someone that never compliments someone else and always fails to say thank you to the waitress, just remember that her personality will ware off on you. Your friends personalities ware on your personality, remember that. 

Next time you're with one (or more) of your friends, observe what your conversation is really about. Is it mostly positive?  Uplifting? Does it make you feel good about yourself in any way? If you answered no, maybe you should try to mix up your friend group. It's a lot of work having to keep up with your miserable friends. If they're not happy that you're not miserable about the same things as them, it's time to find a different, less exhausting group of friends. Like my mom always said (when I was caught frowning) it takes more muscles to frown than to smile. And working out your jaw comes hand in hand with frown lines. And I highly doubt anyone wants to be an unhappy looking old lady at age 35.


Thanks for reading XO