Tuesday, August 4, 2015

School's Back, Bye Summer

    Secret's out, school's actually not out forever. And even though it was out for Summer, that joyous (yet always far less exciting than we imagined) break is coming to an end. For me personally, I'm grateful and not a massive fan of Summer. Living in Florida, there's not a whole lot you can do over the Summer that you can't do every other day of the year; except maybe see a whole lot less of rain and mosquitoes. Summer DOES mean though a slower work season and a pretty empty agenda. Which, even though I love the endless days of cuddles with my man, I am a lover of being a busy bee.

    So here comes school, the peak of my happiness (Aside from Halloween, Christmas and Pumpkin flavored time at Starbucks.) But if you're anything at all like me, you need your packed schedule, juggling your responsibilities and allowed play time, to be 100%, no questions asked organized. So here's my list of back to school must haves that keep my brain staying even slightly more sane.

1. Agenda
   This isn't just a want, it's a need and I'm not being dramatic either. The quickest and easiest way to stay on top of your day to day responsibility is by having it all in front of you (color coating and labeling optional but recommended!) My favorite agendas come from Lilly Pulitzer. They range from all sizes, styles and prices. The great thing about this agenda? You buy one for the remainder of this year AND the following year. So you're all set!

2. Laptop
  Although possible to go through college without a laptop and only having a desktop, it makes classwork and homework a load harder than it has to be. The good thing, it's easy to get a computer that does what standard classes need: The internet and word documents. Check out these laptops at Best Buy that will do everything you need without breaking the bank.

3. Loose Notebook paper, Dividers and a Binder
   This is a given but still a necessity to anyone needing to get organized. Unless told otherwise, I tend to keep everything in the same binder. You keep each class separated but don't have to worry about four different binders to keep up with. Also, if you're in a class and have some free time, you can go over any work needing to be done in other classes.
(tip: have assorted highlighters and have them only used for their specific meanings. EX. Vocabulary, Announced is going to be on the test, Start of a new section, etc.)

4. Whiteout tape
   I think the name says enough. Everyone makes mistakes, everyone has those days...make sure you're prepared for them.

5. Index Cards
   The most effective way to study since used to learn the ABC's.

6. Calculator
    Hopefully you're not in a math class that bans calculators (aka the worst thing you could possibly hear in a math class) but even if they're allowed, they can be pricey. But they can also be the only way to succeed in 'faking it' (or at least that's how I make it through the worst subject known to man.)

7. Headphones
   Seems like a want, not a need....and for the most part that is true. But I can't tell you how many hours I've spent on campus using my headphones. When you have a three hour break in between classes, you tend to get creative...or have a lot of down time. Personally, headphones are not something I want to be caught without. Especially on days in the computer labs where you catch yourself questioning whether or not you're okay with sharing little black headphones with someone else's ear wax.

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