Saturday, August 1, 2015

Girl Code

There's a particular code that comes with having girl friends. Girls are powerful, independent, and strong. But that doesn't mean that they don't need other girls to have their back. There are manners, then there's girl code. A chic-bible for the classy. Your parents aren't going to tell you about this one, so I'm taking the honor of informing the uninformed.

How she feels about her ex, you feel about her ex.
If your gf has a bf, and she's happy - you're happy. If your gf and her bf are fighting, you and her bf are also fighting. If your gf and her bf are better, you're both better. And if your gf and her bf break up, you are never ever to even think about him. How he's doing shouldn't be your business and what he's doing shouldn't be you.

If your gf is being hit on and looks uncomfortable, you're her lesbian lover that was in the bathroom for too long.
Girls have to stick together. That's it, plain and simple. So it's your responsibility to have her back at all times. Whether she needs a wing woman or an easy way out of expressing she's just currently not into males just to get away from a creepy one - you're her right hand.

Say no such thing!
When you care about someone, there's nothing wrong with them. Of course I'm not saying they become an angelic, do-gooder that over night doesn't have any flaws when you announce them your friend. But I am saying that you do not, ever and I mean EVER say anything negative about your girlfriends to anyone else. Talking negatively about people you share your time with shows your character - not theirs. Leave the rumor talking and trash talking to Gossip Girl.

Speak Up, Don't Keep Quiet
If your gf is making a bad choice, don't tell her she's being an idiot. That's never the right way to go. Just casually let her know she could be making better decisions and give her some alternative options. Everyone does reckless things in their lifetime and as long as it's not character changing or against her morals, let the wild bird fly. Just know when it's time to clip her wings if things get out of hand.

Be Supportive of All Girls
If you have a mutual hatred of a girl because of that one time when she slept with the guy you've been eyeing for a couple a months, it's a small one sided feud that is more than likely thriving in your mind. A short lived feud, might I add, that does eventually need to be looked past. Don't be a grudge holder, there really is nothing cute about that. And if we're all being realistic here, girls to core are all struggling. Whether they are, will or have before - you've bound to been insecure about the same things or mutually cried yourself to sleep because of the guy who broke your heart. My point is, girls need other girls. We struggle enough as is, we don't need unknown female-shaming to add to the stress. So next time, smile at the girl that passes you in Target on your weekly "I love Target" sprees. 

Besides, it won't hurt. 
XO, D.

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