Monday, May 11, 2015


Do you know what's really hard? Forgiving people that don't say they're sorry. It's devastatingly difficult but it's one of the most important things you have to do.
I used to be an awful person and I had awful friends - wasn't just them, I encouraged it. And when I changed and they didn't, I was appalled at their behavior and heartbroken that people I used to hold so near to my heart, no longer loved to be around me. Instead, they avoided eye contact but made me the ragging topic of the night.
My point is, everyone gets back stabbed. Everyone loses friends. Everyone experiences the loss of a loved one - whether by death or by growth. But not everyone experiences growth, not everyone is so forgiving and not everyone feels they owe an apology. 
But it's not fair to yourself to let that hover over your head and weigh down on your shoulders. Learn to forgive the people that have hurt you before they say sorry, even though they might never speak it. Even if they're on bad terms with you in their head, doesn't mean you have to reflect the negativity towards them. It may anger you, it may hurt like hell, it may bring you to tears that no one truly knows the real you, the nicer you, right now. But right now is constantly changing, right now is consistently becoming a new moment and right now can be when you forgive someone for hurting you. I'm not telling you to forget, but please, don't dwell. Take a deep breath and let it all out. You'll be surprised how much lighter you feel.

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