Saturday, May 9, 2015

I sit on dogs

I have been dog sitting for the last week and a half, although I miss my bed, family and boyfriend - staying in places I dream of living in someday - makes it quite tolerable. I would love to have a brilliant reason as to why I haven't been blogging but the truth is - life has sucked the past couple of days but that's okay because I'm going to DISNEY!

I know I know, so what D, it's just Disney. But I have grown up three hours away and have never gone before. So my excitement is through the rough. My divine boyf is bringing me for my birthday for a handful of days so I will be posting a video of our adventures in Orlando once we get back.

But no worries, in the mean time I'll make some scheduled posts so I'm still keeping up with you all (unlike I have been lately) love you all, thanks so much for continuing to check in even though I've been a bad daily blogger. You're all the best xo

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