Thursday, April 23, 2015

5 Easy Steps to a Healthy Relationship

1) Don't think everything is perfect, and when it's not, don't think you're with the wrong person.
Just because you're fighting with someone doesn't mean it's all going to ruins, and just because everything is perfect, doesn't mean it's going to last forever. If you are in the honeymoon stage, the world is bright and the stars are aligned. But unfortunately, the honeymoon stage doesn't last forever (which is actually a good thing). I'm guilty of it, every time we have a rough patch, I tend to convince myself of the most ridiculous reasons as to why we aren't meant to be together, but that's nonsense. If two people are trying and truly care for each other, keep trying and be more vocal about caring. If it's meant to work, neither of those things will cause any issues. Really, all they'll do is help.

To anyone reading this and struggling, don't think of the reasons you don't work. Think of what you can do to fix it. Be optimistic, everything good in life takes time and hard work.

2) Comparison
Never, ever compare your relationship or your s/o to someone else's or someone else. Ever. I've been there, you've been there, everyone has been there. You see someone post on Facebook or Instagram how exotic their life is and how they're living the dream. The perfect body, the perfect house, the endless travels and oh look....the perfect boyfriend. They're the PERFECT COUPLE. Right? Right? Wrong. There's no such thing as an easy relationship and there's no such thing as a couple that doesn't fight or is always happy with each other. Don't see pictures of someone else's happy times in their relationship and say how yours is nothing in comparison. 1. It's not fair to your significant other. 2. It's not fair to you.

3) Quality Time
This doesn't have to be spending every waking moment together (nothing against that, if you are lucky enough to have enough time to do that, then do it!) Long distance relationships can work, you just have to have great communication. Don't text your s/o more than you call/video chat. There's nothing more reassuring than laughing with someone you love, miles away and hearing their voice to start or end your day. Without open communication and a full understanding on where you are constantly standing in the relationship, things can go down hill. And you can never say I love you too much.


This post has been sitting on my drafts for months and I haven't been able to finish it. Because quite honestly, I couldn't come up with two more things to write about. There's no such thing as 5 easy steps to a healthy relationship - nor is there 5 easy steps to a happy one. Yes, these things are important but coming from me, I would just be a hypocrite. And I never ever want anyone to think I've got it all together or my relationship is perfect because quite frankly, I'm not and it's not. S0 this post is finally out there, for you all to read. That I'm not perfect and never will be. But I can be happy, and so can you. Regardless of your love situation. Never forget that. And if anyone ever wants personal advice, I'm here. Just email me!

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