Wednesday, April 22, 2015

When the work is worth it

When a relationship requires a lot of "work," there are a lot of people who don't think it's worth it. A friendship or a romance should be easy, they'll tell you. If it isn't, then they figure that perhaps it just wasn't meant to be. That is nonsense. Even the best relationships require some type of work to maintain good communication and a peaceful and symbiotic harmony. Relationships are far from easy, but difficulty should not lead to uncertainty. Passion can overcome everything.

And if the passion isn't mutual, don't you dare let someone use the excuse that it just wasn't meant to be, don't you dare dumb down your feelings to be even with whomever you are receiving them from. 

Be bold, daring, and love with your whole heart. It's an absolute shame that people are embarrassed of being vulnerable, sensitive and living with their heart on their sleeves. I applaud you for your braveness, keep on inspiring.

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